Feral Cat TNR

Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) is a humane and effective way to care for feral cat colonies while reducing overpopulation and the number of kittens surrendered each year at the shelter.  We offer access to traps, no-cost sterilization, and educational materials for colony caretakers.

Photo of Gray Cat

How to utilize our program:

Never trap a cat without first educating yourself on proper trapping procedures! If you are planning to trap a feral cat, contact Tri-City Animal Shelter so they may ensure they have space and prepare for the cat's veterinary care.

If you need to borrow a trap, you may check one out at the shelter with a $65 refundable cash deposit (traps are also available for a minimal cost at Tractor Supply). Once your feral cat is trapped, you will bring them to the shelter, during business hours, inside the trap. Do NOT leave your cat in the trap outside the shelter.

Your cat will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and ear tipped -- and allowed to rest in a cozy hide box. When your cat is ready to go home, you will pick it up from the shelter and return it to the location where you trapped it. Feral cats may not be relocated away from their colony.

This program only supports feral cats trapped inside the Duncanville, DeSoto, and Cedar Hill city limits. Tame cats and personal pets are not eligible for these services.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Photo of Feral Cats Outside

What is a feral cat?

A feral cat is a cat who has either never had any contact with people or the cat's contact with people has diminished over time. A feral cat is not socialized to people and survives on its own outdoors. Most feral cats are not likely to ever become lap cats or enjoy living indoors. Stray cats are socialized to people and can be adopted into homes, but feral cats are not socialized to people and are happy living outdoors. (Source: www.alleycat.org)

What is TNR?

Trap-Neuter-Release is the humane, effective approach for feral cats. Feral cats are humanely trapped, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and eartipped (the universal symbol of a neutered and vaccinated cat), and then returned to their outdoor home. Socialized cats and kittens are adopted into homes. The colony’s population stabilizes—no more kittens! Trap-Neuter-Return improves their lives and their relations with the community: the behaviors and stresses associated with mating stop. (Source: www.alleycat.org)